Alucard Cosplay

Seras Victoria Cosplay

Seras Victoria Cosplay

Seras Victoria Cosplay

Seras Victoria Cosplay

About Hellsing
Hellsing follows the antiheroic vampire, Alucard, and a police girl-turned-vampire, Seras Victoria, two vampires employed by the vampire-extermination group of England, the Hellsing Organization. Slowly but surely, through their active duty, they find a new breed of vampires beginning to arise.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Hellsing Characters Profile
Seras Victoria Profile
A policewoman sent to investigate the troubles at Cheddar Village, her squad is killed and she is nearly raped and killed by the mad vampire priest inhabiting the dead village, but is "saved" when Alucard sends a bullet through her to kill the priest. On the verge of death, she allows Alucard to turn her into a vampire, and joins Hellsing as Alucard's minion.
She is reluctant to embrace her new powers at first, but gradually comes to terms with what she is, and eventually discovers her true powers after a certain event.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Alucard Profile
The secret weapon of the Hellsing organization, Alucard is a vampire, specializing in killing other vampires. At first glance he seems to be nothing but a rather odd gunman, but when he truly unleashes his powers, it becomes quite clear that he is not a mortal.
After walking the night for half a millennium, he is constantly seeking a worthy opponent, and with his powers of regeneration, strength, and shape-shifting, not to mention his army of familiars, he lays waste to any of his master's enemies.
Several of the typical weaknesses of vampires have no effect on him, like sunlight, as he claimed in chapter 13: "Sunlight is not my greatest enemy... I just HATE it!" He can also travel over running water without any problem.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Warrant Officer Schrodinger Profile
The catboy Schrödinger is one of the members of the Millennium elite, a modern-day group of Nazis. He holds the power to appear "everywhere and nowhere" (his name being a direct reference to Erwin Schrödinger and his thought experiment "Schrödinger's cat"), as well as being able to regenerate fatal wounds. His combat abilities are and motives are currently unknown, though Hirano has confirmed he is a creation of Doc.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Integra Fairbrook Wingates Profile
Sir Integra Hellsing is a 22-year-old noblewoman member of the Protestant Knights who is the head and last member of the Hellsing family, the Bureau Director of the Hellsing Organization, and the current master of Hellsing's vampire, Alucard. Integra is usually a collected individual, rarely allowing her emotions to get in the way of business. However, she is sometimes prone to fits of anger. The Hellsing family is "on a mission from God", and she values her duties to protect the United Kingdom and the Anglican Church above everything else. For her, failure is not tolerated, especially her own. She runs the Hellsing Organization with charisma and patriotism, and she is one of the few people who can stand up to the force of Alucard's personality and command his respect.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Walter C. Dornez Profile
Walter C. Dornez is the butler of Integra Hellsing, but is at the same time a deadly combatant, wielding high-velocity microfilament wires (dubbed by fans "The Dental Floss Of Doom"), and fought together with Alucard in the Second World War to stop a certain groups attempt at creating an undead army. During that time Walter was known as "The Angel of Death".
(Source: MyAnimeList)
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