Inuyasha Cosplay 01/03

Inuyasha Cosplay 01/03
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Inuyasha Cosplay
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Kagome Higurashi Cosplay
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About Inuyasha

Higurashi Kagome, after being pulled down a well by a demon, finds herself in Feudal Japan, where she learns that a powerful jewel has been reborn inside her body. After the jewel shatters in an attempt to retrieve it from one of the many demons who was after its power, Kagome must join forces with the half-demon Inu Yasha (also after the jewel's power) to track down the shards of the jewel before its power falls into the wrong hands.
(Source: MyAnimeList)

Inuyasha Characters Profile

Inuyasha Profile
The male protagonist, a hybrid of a youkai-dog and a human, a half-demon ("han'yo" in Japanese). He wields the Tessaiga (pronounced "Tetsaiga" in the American dub), a supernatural sword made from one of his deceased father's fangs. This sword, when properly wielded, can destroy one hundred demons with a single swing, and has further powers which are revealed as the story progresses. It is also a source of which hatred exists between Inuyasha and his brother Sesshomaru, a full youkai dog demon, being that Inuyasha can wield the Tessaiga and Sesshomaru can not. Inuyasha has a tendency for massive regeneration and can recover from injuries which would be fatal for any average human. This ability is likely derived from his youkai powers (Example: Episode 5, when Kagome brings medicine from her time). On the night of the new moon each month, Inuyasha will change into a normal human with black hair, brown eyes, and loses his yokai power during this time. Prior to meeting his current companions, he would conceal himself during this time. Inuyasha loves Kikyo, and still does, but things get complicated when he starts to develop feelings of love for Kagome. He has mastered different abilities for his sword including the red tessaiga that can destroy barriers and also learning the backlash wave which hurls an opponents demonic energy right back at it.

(Source: MyAnimeList)

Kagome Higurashi Profile
The female protagonist and a third year middle school student. In the tradition of many Rumiko Takahashi heroines (Lum, Akane Tendo, Kyoko Otonashi), Kagome can be extremely sweet, but can also become very dangerous when provoked. She is bold and determined to help others regardless of the cost. It is because of her that Inuyasha is able to make more friends. Her kind heart and beauty results in several men falling in love with her throughout their journey.
InuYasha wears a special bead necklace (known as the Beads of Subjugation) which only responds to Kagome's command: when she yells "Sit!" ("Osuwari!") (Often "Sit, boy!" in the dub) InuYasha is thrown to the ground. The necklace was placed upon him due to his dangerous attitude when he was unsealed. As the series continues, Kagome uses the necklace less and less. It is scarcely used by this point in time, and is purely comedic relief when it is.

She is the reincarnation of a priestess 50 years ago, named Kikyo, the previous protector of the shikon no tama. As fate would have it, Kagome also develops feelings of strong love for InuYasha. This relationship proves to be a driving point of the series. Her archery and spiritual powers develop as the series progresses. By the end of the series, Kagome is a powerful miko with superb archery skills and control over her spiritual powers. She marries Inuyasha and lives with him in the feudal era for the rest of her life.

(Source: MyAnimeList)

Sesshomaru Profile
Inuyasha's older half-brother. Unlike Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru is a full-blooded dog-demon and is contemptuous of InuYasha for being a half-demon and for consorting with humans. He is a very powerful demon who seems to have no true equal when it comes to raw power; although given the chance in volume twenty-three, he could not defeat Naraku. Although fandom refers to him as the Lord of the Western Lands, this title appears at no point in the manga. Takahashi also stated that Sesshoumaru has no permanent home. Unlike almost every other demon in the world of InuYasha, he has no interest in possessing even one shard of the Shikon Jewel
Sesshoumaru first appears in search of the sword called Tessaiga, created from their father Inu-no-Taisho's fang, which has the power to kill a hundred yōkai with one swing. However, Inu-no-Taisho left Tessaiga to Inuyasha, and Sesshoumaru instead inherited the Tenseiga, a sword which cannot harm the living, but can bring the dead back to life. Inu-no-Taisho did this in the hopes that Sesshoumaru would learn compassion. Considering Tenseiga useless to him, Sesshoumaru battles Inuyasha several times for possession of Tessaiga, and when Tessaiga is broken by a bite from Naraku's incarnation Goshinki, Sesshoumaru has Goshinki's fangs forged into the evil blade Tokijin, which only he is powerful enough to control. Initially, Sesshoumaru is ruthless and cruel in his pursuit of Tessaiga and his dealings with his brother.

Despite having a hatred for humans, he seems to care for Rin, a little human girl who was orphaned after her village was destroyed by demons. Rin found Sesshomaru in the woods by the village she lived in, and noticed that he was injured (due to a previous fight with Inuyasha) and she tried to help him. Sesshomaru refused her help, but after finding her body nearly devoured by Koga's wolves later on, he used Tenseiga to bring her back to life. Now Rin follows Sesshomaru around and thinks of herself as one of his servants.

(Source: MyAnimeList)

Kikyou Profile

A shrine maiden who loved InuYasha and was killed by Naraku (disguised as Inuyasha) who made the two fight fifty years prior (in InuYasha's time) to the story's start. She is brought back to life by the ogress Urasue. Although she looks alive, her body is still "dead," and she must ingest the souls of the dead to move.

(Source: MyAnimeList)

Kagura Profile
Kagura (lit. Music of the gods) is a wind sorceress created from Naraku's own body. Despite this, she has her own mind and is willing to fight desperately for freedom.
Her first appearance involves Kagura's use of the "Shikabane Mai," or "Dance of the Dead," to lure out Koga's companions and slaughter them. Following this, she splattered Inuyasha in the blood, causing Koga to arrive to "avenge his companions." Unbeknownst to Koga, he has a false Shikon no Tama shard rather than the real one-and upon severly injuring Inuyasha, he is immobilized by Kagura's fake. Assured that she has won the battle, Kagura steps forward to take the real shikon shards as well as Koga's life.

This is interrupted by Inuyasha, who proceeds to fight Kagura and is on the verge of being killed when he is finally able to interrupt Kagura's winds to unleash a Kaze no Kizu. Surprised, Kagura flees, briefly showing a spider-shaped burn scar on her back similar to Naraku's. She realizes that Naraku has been using her and proceeds to attack him, being stopped when he squeezes her heart and tells him that he holds her life in his hands. Since then, Kagura has worked to kill him, often using others.

(Source: MyAnimeList)

Shippou Profile
An orphaned young yōkai-fox (kitsune) whose father was killed by the Thunder Brothers, Hiten and Manten. He wanted to avenge his father so he helped Kagome and Inuyasha. He was the first character in the story to join InuYasha and Kagome in their travels as a group. Shippo can shape shift, but his forms are temporary, often incomplete and ineffective, and he is usually given away by his telltale tail. His other noteworthy abilities are turning into a wooden horse that can fly, leaving a trail of yelping mushrooms and acorns, illusionary tricks with toys like his giant spinning top attack, using his race's notable fox fire magic (which rarely seems to work properly), and making things like leaves or himself multiply. He tends to be naively observant and often makes pointed and cheeky comments directed towards InuYasha, earning him a retaliatory bonk on the head for his unnecessary "advice". InuYasha and Kagome serve as older sibling figures to Shippo. Shippo and Kirara (when she is in her kitten form) are the smallest members of InuYasha's group, with Shippo being the youngest. Because he so small and light, whenever the group is traveling anywhere Shippo is almost always seen riding on someone's shoulder, on Kirara's back, in Kagome's arms, or in the basket on Kagome's bike; he is rarely seen walking or running.

(Source: MyAnimeList)

Sango Profile
Sango is youkai slayer ("youkai taijiya") who hails from a village of professional yōkai slayers. The only member of Inuyasha's group to have no supernatural powers, Sango instead wields the Hiraikotsu, a massive boomerang made of yōkai bones, in addition to a broad repertoire of tools and tricks for battling yōkai. Sango is also a victim of Naraku's evil schemes; her family was killed and her entire village destroyed by Naraku's yōkai so that Naraku could then blame Inuyasha and manipulate Sango into trying to kill him. When that ploy failed, Naraku used a shard of the Shikon Jewel to revive and control her little brother Kohaku, forcing him to fight Inuyasha and company, and using him as a means by which to manipulate Sango. She seeks vengeance against Naraku, but her primary goal is to rescue Kohaku from Naraku's influence and somehow save his life, although currently it's uncertain if she will be able to do so as Kohaku's life is tied to the jewel shard. She has obvious feelings towards Miroku, although she is offended by his constant groping and lechery. ("Sango" means "coral")

(Source: MyAnimeList)

Jakotsu Profile
The openly homosexual and sadistic wielder of a sneaky, retractable sword named "Jakotsutō", Jakotsu (蛇骨) is one of the more skilled fighters of the Shichi'nintai and was placed third in command. He seems to be the first of the Shichinintai to have come into contact with Bankotsu and was with him before the Shichinintai were assembled as a group. Bankotsu and Jakotsu are very close and according to Bankotsu, Jakotsu is the only person he trusts.
Upon hearing of InuYasha of news by Kohaku, Jakotsu immediately develops a bloodthirstly and slightly sexual fascination with him. He spends the majority of the arc trying to find, battle, and kill him. After meeting InuYasha, Jakotsu is frequently swooning and petulantly protesting when he is denied confrontation. He also flies into a rage when Sango interferes in his first conflict with InuYasha, and at one moment Jakotsu openly says he finds Miroku good-looking too.

Jakotsu always looks for an opportunity to fight against InuYasha. He finally gets a chance inside Mount Hakurei when InuYasha is reverted to his human form by the holy barrier. After a lengthy fight, Jakotsu loses to InuYasha (who has turned back in to a hanyō, due to the weakened barrier), who spares his life. Jakotsu happily accepted his fate that he died after fighting the battle he wanted, but could have survived if the Shikon shard embedded in his neck wasn't taken by the scheming Renkotsu, an action later avenged by Bankotsu.

(Source: MyAnimeList)

Kouga Profile
The young leader of a yōrōzoku (yōkai-wolf tribe), Kōga wishes to avenge his fallen comrades who were slaughtered by Kagura, one of Naraku's minions. While brash and arrogant, he is shrewd enough to run from a fight if he thinks he can't win. He has a shikon shard in each of his legs which make him stronger and faster. Although he bickers with InuYasha constantly, when one of them is in danger, the other will lend a hand. He considers Kagome his woman, which irritates InuYasha to no end. Koga constantly confesses his love towards Kagome but Kagome does not share his affections, only having eyes for InuYasha. As the series goes on, Koga lets up on his affections for Kagome gradually. Eventually, in chapter 466 of the manga, he leaves her behind with the statement 'if InuYasha ever starts getting on your nerves, you can come to me.' ("Koga" means "steel fang.")

(Source: MyAnimeList)

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