Kanade Tachibana Cosplay

Kanade Tachibana Cosplay

Kanade Tachibana Cosplay

Kanade Tachibana Cosplay

Kanade Tachibana Cosplay

Kanade Tachibana Cosplay
Yuri Nakamura Cosplay

Yuri Nakamura Cosplay

Yuri Nakamura Cosplay

Yuri Nakamura Cosplay

Yuri Nakamura Cosplay

Yuri Nakamura Cosplay

Yuri Nakamura Cosplay

About Angel Beats!
Otonashi awakens only to learn he is dead. A rifle-toting girl named Yuri explains that they are in the afterlife, and Otonashi realizes the only thing he can remember about himself is his name. Yuri tells him that she leads the Shinda Sekai Sensen (Afterlife Battlefront) and wages war against a girl named Tenshi. Unable to believe Yuri's claims that Tenshi is evil, Otonashi attempts to speak with her, but the encounter doesn't go as he intended.
Otonashi decides to join the SSS and battle Tenshi, but he finds himself oddly drawn to her. While trying to regain his memories and understand Tenshi, he gradually unravels the mysteries of the afterlife.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Angel Beats! Characters Profile
Kanade Tachibana Profile
Tenshi has a variety of self-defense skills at her disposal, which she calls "Guard Skills."
Tenshi is the nickname the SSS gives her based on Yuri's belief that she must be a representative of god. Tenshi is one of the two main female characters of the anime. Her name means "Angel," though she has stated she isn't one. The main plot of the anime revolves around her rivalry with Yuri, as Tenshi is believed to be the enemy of the Afterlife.
She never admits her name as "Angel." Instead, she calls herself the Student Council President of the school, who oversees the process of the afterlife.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Yuri Nakamura Profile
Yuri, the leader of the Shinda Sekai Sensen or SSS, the rebellious faction against the god who destined her to have an unreasonable life. She is one of the two main protagonist of the anime. She has a strong personality. She is the main rival of Angel.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Yui Profile
Yui loves to play her guitar. She is a member of Iwasawa and Hisako's band. She is full of life and life of the band itself. She wants to become a pro-musician.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
T.K. Profile
"TK" is a mysterious character. He likes to speak nonsensical English phrases, depending on the situation of the scene, even though he does not know English fluently. He saves the team many times and knows some Japanese but rarely speaks it. Regardless, he seems to understand what the others say to him. He is talented in almost anything (his forte, dancing). He is usually always dancing even while in a fight with his enemies. His real identity and his name is unknown, even to the SSS. Therefore they identify him as by a nickname he gives himself, "TK."
One particular trait of his is his inability to remain still, as he is in constant movement whenever he is not doing anything at all (although at times he can be seen not in constant movement).
Also, his catchphrase appears to be "I kiss you!"
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Shiina Profile
Shiina is a "self-proclaimed female ninja" who fights with traditional Japanese weapons such as dual-wielding kodachi and shuriken.
Shiina also wears the special uniform of the SSS, along with a long black scarf covering the bottom part of her face and her neck. Her skirt is slightly different from the usual, as it has two short slits which is probably to aid her in movement.
She usually puts up a tough and quiet front, but she is extremely fond of cute things, especially stuffed animals.
She is able to sense when danger is coming. She is very strict in her training and would continue with her training even when she is needed to do something else. Shiina's training mostly consist of balancing objects such as broomsticks, scissors and mops on her fingertip, sometimes balancing one on each of her fingers simultaneously while doing something else.
She also usually says the phrase "how shallow-minded" when she remarks on her colleagues' actions.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Masami Iwasawa Profile
Always giving a cool look, she is a talented vocalist and plays guitar. She formed a band in the Afterlife called Girls Dead Monster with her best friend Hisako. She also writes songs and composes music for her band. It was only through conquering her insecurities that she gained her charisma and it was her passion that drove her to dedicate her life (and her afterlife) to sing meaningful, inspiring songs that would help people get through rough times as did she with Sad Machine's songs.
The electric guitar that she is seen using is a Fender American Standard Stratocaster with the color of Sienna Sunburst.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Hideki Hinata Profile
Hinata is a bright young guy and everyone likes him for his kindness. He is very popular to new students as he has a helping attitude towards his juniors and newcomers at school. He is comedy relief in some situations and a pervert in others. He will always try to save his comrades if he can and is a reliable force in the team.
He is the protagonist of the novel prequel "Angel Beats-Track Zero."
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Yuzuru Otonashi Profile
Otonashi lost his memory in an accident and thus thinks his life has no meaning. Things start to change for him as the story progresses. He is the main male protagonist of Angel Beats!
Over the course of the anime, he is the first of the SSS to try and understand Tenshi (Kanade).
(Source: MyAnimeList)
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