Maka Albarn Cosplay

Maka Albarn Cosplay

Maka Albarn Cosplay

Maka Albarn Cosplay

Maka Albarn Cosplay

Maka Albarn Cosplay

Maka Albarn Cosplay

Maka Albarn Cosplay

Death the Kid Cosplay

Death the Kid Cosplay

Death the Kid Cosplay

Death the Kid Cosplay

Death the Kid Cosplay

Death the Kid Cosplay

Death the Kid Cosplay

Death the Kid Cosplay

Death the Kid Cosplay

Death the Kid Cosplay

About Soul Eater
Set in the Shinigami technical school for weapon meisters, the series revolves around 3 groups of each a weapon meister and a human weapon. Trying to make the latter a "Death Scythe" which is the highest title for a weapon and thus fit for use by the Shinigami, they must collect the souls of 99 evil humans and 1 witch.
Maka & Soul Eater, Black Star & Tsubaki, and Death the Kid with Patty and Liz Thompson are the characters Soul Eater revolves around. Besides taking the time to gather souls, these students of Shibusen defend Death City from some of the most powerful of creatures while still attending school and trying to become stronger.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Soul Eater Characters Profile
Maka Albarn Profile
She is Soul's technician. She is the more level-headed of the two but when her anger gets the better of her, she will put her foot down. Where Soul seems to be the brawn, Maka is the brain. She always tries to think of a way to beat their opponent by exploiting the opponent's weaknesses. Her father is the Shingami's current death scythe. She seems to hate her father for constantly flirting with other women but she still loves him. Her mother was also a scythe technician; she and Maka's father are divorced. Maka seems to be annoyed at the fact that her body hasn't developed yet (which is the center of some jokes in the series). She usually kicks Soul after he does something perverted or if he and Blair have been acting too friendly. Dr. Stein saw her soul and told her she was a "serious person who tries hard."
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Death the Kid Profile
He is Patricia "Patti/Patty" Thompson's and Elizabeth "Liz" Thompson's Meister and Death's son. He was born from a fragment of Shinigami's soul, as was his older brother, Asura.
Being the son of Shinigami, Kid was singled out. The other students at Shibusen were afraid to get close to him not only because he was Shinigami's son, but because they were afraid that they'd get hurt. This continued until he became the meister of Liz and Patti. They became good comrades, and even helped Kid. Kid didn't, necessarily, experience friendship until he met the others. He is really grateful to have friends that are not afraid of him like the others at Shibusen.
Kid has obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, which is manifested as an obsession over perfection. Objects and surroundings that are symmetrical can distract him from missions, and he will usually start to break down and have fits if he notices asymmetrical objects around him. Thus if anything is wrong by any measurement (a picture frame crooked, or not folding his toilet paper, for example), he will try to correct it right away, even at the cost of the mission at hand. He is so obsessed with symmetry that Kid refuses to fight a battle unless everything is symmetrical, as he would be asymmetrical holding only one gun. Even if an enemy is symmetrical in appearance, he will refuse to fight it and harm its symmetry. The fact that the left half of his bangs is marked with three white stripes causes him much stress. As a result of his OCD, Kid can be very hard on himself if the asymmetry of the stripes in his hair are pointed out by someone, calling himself "useless asymmetrical garbage". Kid, trying to make himself completely symmetrical, tried to dye his hair once, but the Sanzu Lines continued to reappear. This is because his reaper body rejects all forms of chemicals and toxins, including artificial coloring like hair dye. The Index of the Book of Eibon referred to this obsession as Madness of Order.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Crona Profile
Crona is Ragnarok's meister, and was initially under Medusa's orders (and control) to take any soul they find, be it evil or good. Crona is a very naive and submissive person who is constantly pestered by Ragnarok in the form of noogies and threats to eat their share of food. Crona does not like to fight but Medusa normally introduces a spell into their mind that increases their aggression. Crona's blood has been entirely replaced with 'black blood' which both protects them from physical harm and provides a degree of healing. Ragnarok, originally a normal weapon, was melted into the black blood before the transfusion, which causes their siamese nature. Crona is taking trial courses at Shibusen so they learn the proper way of a meister. Crona is trying to adapt to interacting with more people which may take some time because of Medusa's abusive treatment of them. Often, Crona stays in a corner of any room they are in and will cower in said corner if they are feeling nervous. Crona doesn't know how to interact with others, but is slowly learning how to, thanks to Maka. Maka can easily tune in to Crona's soul wavelength to understand and calm them when needed.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Blair Profile
First mistaken by Maka and Soul to be a witch that they needed to make Soul a death scythe, it turns out that she is just a cat with strong magical powers. The theme of Blair’s magic consists of pumpkins, which she uses as weapons (bombs, cannon, etc). She has started to like Soul (who she calls Scythe Boy) and playfully flirts with him(it is unknown if this is playfulness or real feelings). Blair also flirts with Soul to see how Maka acts by doing so. She was suppose to be the witch-soul Maka and Soul needed but since she wasn’t a witch, they took one of her nine “lives”. Taking one of her lives meant that they had to start all over again. She is well endowed, which is used when she flirts with Soul usually by appearing out of her cat form in little to no clothing. She is very good at understanding other people. She is always looking for some fun, whether it is harmless or not. Her hat is named Zwan and can change into a hand when Blair commands it to. She sometimes refers to herself in third person.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Black☆Star Profile
Black☆Star (ブラック☆スター, Burakku☆Sutā) is one of the main Meisters that the series follows. Black Star is one of the survivors of the infamous Star Clan, The other being Akane☆Hoshi. Which explains why Black Star has a star on his shoulder. His Demon Weapon partner is Tsubaki Nakatsukasa. He is a Shadow Weapon Meister (暗器職人 Anki Shokunin in Japanese) which is translated into Dark Arm Meister in the English dub. Currently, he is a Two-Star Meister and a member of the elite student unit, Spartoi.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Soul Eater Evans Profile
Soul Eater, "Soul" to his friends, is Maka's Demon Scythe partner. His human appearance is that of a teenage boy with a forever present drool mark coming from his mouth. He acts like a normal teenager and his personality mostly consist of what he considers "cool." Being a "cool" guy, he almost always uses the direct approach which most of the time fails. He sometimes becomes too driven by the idea of eating souls, which leads him to bicker with Maka, but in the end they remain friends and partners.
His way of absorbing souls is by literally eating them. He says that it's the texture, not the taste, that matters. When Dr. Stein saw his soul, he said it was that of "a twisted person with a sarcastic soul."
(Source: MyAnimeList)
Eruka Frog Profile
Eruka Frog is a frog-themed witch who serves under Medusa Gorgon. Like many other witches, Eruka craves destruction and enjoys the fact that she was born a Witch. However, she is extremely cowardly, preferring to flee rather than fight, and never hesitates begging for mercy when cowed. She can also be considered clingy to her partner, Free, even becoming needy and docile. Despite her malicious intent, Eruka has an earnest disposition with other Witches, including Mizune, with whom she is close friends with. She can be demeaning to those whom she considers inferior, though.
(Source: MyAnimeList)
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